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Регистрация: 16 дек 2016
Offline Активность: 19 дек 2016 14:24

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В теме: Помогите разобраться с заданием, пожалуйста

16 декабря 2016 - 19:21

So, firstly, it's not very polite to share exactly the same task, you were given during interview (company worker might read this site too) :).

Second: there's no error in testing task - they're just trying to verify your knowledge of Test Design Techniques, especially - Pairwise Testing and Decision Tables (like in this case) .

Read more about this technique here - it's clearly described and has couple of good examples:


(start from page 25 - "Метод всех пар" and then at 35 - "Таблицы принятия решений")


Have a good luck, pal!


P.S. Sorry for answering in English - don't have Russian keyboard set up.