$g_interface_bugs = 'JIRA';
<?php /** * TestLink Open Source Project - http://testlink.sourceforge.net/ * $Id: jira.cfg.php,v 1.0 2005/10/25 17:40:56 * * * 20051229 - scs - added DEFINE for the DB-Type */ // Contributed by jbarchibald@gmail.com //Set the bug tracking system Interface to JIRA 3.1.1 /** The DB host to use when connecting to the JIRA db */ define('BUG_TRACK_DB_HOST', ''); /** The name of the database that contains the jira tables */ define('BUG_TRACK_DB_NAME', 'jira'); /** The DB type being used by jira */ define('BUG_TRACK_DB_USER', 'iquser'); /** The DB password to use for connecting to the jira db */ define('BUG_TRACK_DB_PASS', 'iqpassword'); /** link of the web server for jira */ // define('BUG_TRACK_HREF', "http://localhost:8081/secure/Dashboard.jspa"); define('BUG_TRACK_HREF', ""); /** The DB type to use for connecting to the bugtracking db */ define('BUG_TRACK_DB_TYPE', 'postgres'); /** link to the bugtracking system, for entering new bugs */ define('BUG_TRACK_ENTER_BUG_HREF',""); ?>
Перезагружаю сервер, и получаю ошибку в логе:
[11/Aug/19 13:38:04][ERROR][86267d8ea3a6967f7373b1c14eea54e7][GUI] Connect to Bug Tracker database fails: (interface: JIRA - Host: - DBName: jira - User: iquser) -1 - Database connection failed [<<][4e4e673ce3345017387406][DEFAULT][/lib/execute/execSetResults.php][11/Aug/19 13:38:04][11/Aug/19 13:38:05][took 0.234784 secs]
Все указал правильно, ошибка в чем-то другом.