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Публикации rain

3 публикаций создано rain (учитываются публикации только с 06 июня 2023)

#167953 Test Engineer in the well funded startup. Remote. Full-time.

Отправлено автор: rain 23 августа 2018 - 10:06 в Удаленная работа

up. It's a remote job, can be 30 usd/hour or even more for good candidates

#167666 Test Engineer in the well funded startup. Remote. Full-time.

Отправлено автор: rain 09 августа 2018 - 10:18 в Удаленная работа


New job descriptions for Test Engineer and for Test Automation Engineer


We also have pay-per-bug Bug Hunting sessions. First is open now, you can still apply: https://blog.status....ts-d49a4094d87d

#163709 Test Engineer in the well funded startup. Remote. Full-time.

Отправлено автор: rain 27 ноября 2017 - 07:48 в Удаленная работа

Job Description


All projects are open-source. We have a mobile app that is a messenger and a browser in Ethereum. In the near future same app will be available on desktops (Mac, Windows, Linux). 


There are several interview stages where you can showcase your skills and get familiar with the app and the process. It will take your time that will not be paid. The job is not suitable for juniors. Exact stages


Most of the team works in European timezones, so preference is for candidates from UTC+01, UTC+02, UTC+03.